
Monday, April 18, 2005

Old Habits

Well, I'm officially behind in the required reading for my class. Guess the six non-studying years between graduating college and now really don't do much to change study habits. I spent some time Sunday reading two chapters but that only catches me up to last week's reading assignment. I don't know what happens but everytime I start to read a textbook, my finger nails look so damn gross that I have to start picking/gnawing at them. Then they get ragged and uneven. So then I have to get a nail file. And while I'm at it, I should just give myself a manicure. And since I got everything out already, a pedicure. Then something on tv catches my eye. Then my hair is in my face and I must put it up in something so I have to scrounge around for a hairband. And all the studying makes me hungry. I should just eat a piece of fruit but what I want is an elaborate six course meal so I start working on that. Big meal makes me sleepy. Maybe I should take a nap. After nap I call family and friends and chat because having a strong web of emotional support is an important part of staying healthy. Staying healthy means I'll be more alert in classes. And then it's too late to continue reading so I'll try the next morning before work/school. But of course I can't get up early because I really really like to sleep, so it has to wait until lunch. That's my goal this week. To do my homework assignment BEFORE Monday lunch, for my Monday night class. Which is what I've done for the last TWO weeks in a row.


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