
Thursday, February 02, 2006

Boxing Day

So I've taken up boxing.

Not really.

Last week Julia and I took a "Club Boxing Circuit" class at the gym. The instructor (who also happens to be the Monday kickboxing instructor) divided the class into four groups and we rotated through 4 different sections twice. My favorite section is the "free style punching bag" part - serious stress reliever. My least favorite part was using the hand wraps that they provided. After I noticed how sweaty I got in my borrowed pair, I could only imagine how seriously soaked with other people's sweat it probably was. Gross. So today I bought my own hand wraps. Now I don't have to Purrell my hands furiously as I walk out of the classroom.

Very eventful day all in all. I have decided, after all, not to quit my job. Yes, that was a very serious possibility. After months of negotiating, we've finally come to an agreement so I won't be sitting at home watching reruns of a Different World and living off of Max after all. I can't say I'm not disappointed...


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