Weekend Recap
Okay, before I start going on about my weekend, let me just say that someone actually came on to this site by google searching the words "what does bear poop look like." The existence of this blog has finally been justified.
Friday after work, I threw together a quick green bean casserole and headed over to AJ's (not Grayling AJ, but Andrea) most darling apartment and hung out with her, Kate, and Jessie. In addition to the green bean casserole, I also brought over a pack of the new Sofia Coppola sparkling wine that comes in individual hot pink cans and with a hot pink extendable bendy straw. Very fun. Like a juice box for adults.

Everyone made really terrific food. Kate brought a greek quiche and popovers, Jessie brought a salad and AJ made lobster and shrimp quesadillas. Yum. AJ invited her new neighbor over as well, who looked like he didn't know quite know how to talk to four chatty women, but seemed to enjoy our company any way. I brought Pig over to meet Parker (AJ's dog) and they got along fantastically. Fantastically as in they both ignored each other and just followed the humans around, begging for food. I really hope there's an opportunity for Pig, Parker and Punk to all hang out some time. And Boris. Maybe for Pig's birthday party next year.
Saturday was another busy day. A bunch of people headed over to Amol's place to catch the Mich/OSU game. Amol made us hashbrowns, AD made us eggs, Lypstykgirl brought over Krispy Kreme donuts, Thode brought mimosas, and I brought peach juice to make bellinis and some biscuits. After watching the disappointing game and getting bloated on champagne concoctions, we changed into our swimsuits for a dip in the pool and hot tub.
I was super sleepy by the time I got home at around 4 p.m. so I napped until Benjamin called me to work out carpooling plans to go see Harry Potter. I thought the movie started at 7:30 p.m. but it turns out it started at 7. We didn't even realize this until we were in the theater and EVERYONE ELSE AND THEIR MOM were already seated. By some miracle, we actually were able to get decent seats, off to the side and fairly close to the screen but not uncomfortably so. The movie was awesome! I loved it. I think it's my favorite one so far. It's close enough to the book, and the deviations from the book are nicely done. I woke up Sunday wanting to see it again, but resisted. Maybe I can convince Max to go see it with me over the weekend.
Sunday was a big cleaning day. First of all, if you haven't tried the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser pad, you MUST try it. It's amazing. It took off grime and dirt that normally does not come off. The only draw back is that each pad does not hold up very well, so I went through a couple just doing the floors and walls, but it's definitely worth getting. It's magic, I tell you. Since people are coming over for Thanksgiving, I also cleaned the carpet with my little carpet cleaner machine and gave Pig a bath. She's very good about getting a bath nowadays. I think it's cuz of all the cookies that she gets afterwards. I didn't even have to chase her down - she just walked into the bathroom voluntarily. She did look a bit confused when I started the shower up for my own shower a couple hours after hers. I think she thought I'd try to throw her in the tub again and you could tell she really didn't want another bath, but really wanted more cookies.
After my shower, I headed over to Amol's again for a small game of poker. I didn't do as well as I wanted but it was fun nonetheless. Came back home at a decent hour and tried to stay awake to see how the escaped prisoners finally got caught on "Escape From Deathrow" a documentary on CourtTV but I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Must read about it about that now.
Friday after work, I threw together a quick green bean casserole and headed over to AJ's (not Grayling AJ, but Andrea) most darling apartment and hung out with her, Kate, and Jessie. In addition to the green bean casserole, I also brought over a pack of the new Sofia Coppola sparkling wine that comes in individual hot pink cans and with a hot pink extendable bendy straw. Very fun. Like a juice box for adults.

Everyone made really terrific food. Kate brought a greek quiche and popovers, Jessie brought a salad and AJ made lobster and shrimp quesadillas. Yum. AJ invited her new neighbor over as well, who looked like he didn't know quite know how to talk to four chatty women, but seemed to enjoy our company any way. I brought Pig over to meet Parker (AJ's dog) and they got along fantastically. Fantastically as in they both ignored each other and just followed the humans around, begging for food. I really hope there's an opportunity for Pig, Parker and Punk to all hang out some time. And Boris. Maybe for Pig's birthday party next year.
Saturday was another busy day. A bunch of people headed over to Amol's place to catch the Mich/OSU game. Amol made us hashbrowns, AD made us eggs, Lypstykgirl brought over Krispy Kreme donuts, Thode brought mimosas, and I brought peach juice to make bellinis and some biscuits. After watching the disappointing game and getting bloated on champagne concoctions, we changed into our swimsuits for a dip in the pool and hot tub.
I was super sleepy by the time I got home at around 4 p.m. so I napped until Benjamin called me to work out carpooling plans to go see Harry Potter. I thought the movie started at 7:30 p.m. but it turns out it started at 7. We didn't even realize this until we were in the theater and EVERYONE ELSE AND THEIR MOM were already seated. By some miracle, we actually were able to get decent seats, off to the side and fairly close to the screen but not uncomfortably so. The movie was awesome! I loved it. I think it's my favorite one so far. It's close enough to the book, and the deviations from the book are nicely done. I woke up Sunday wanting to see it again, but resisted. Maybe I can convince Max to go see it with me over the weekend.
Sunday was a big cleaning day. First of all, if you haven't tried the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser pad, you MUST try it. It's amazing. It took off grime and dirt that normally does not come off. The only draw back is that each pad does not hold up very well, so I went through a couple just doing the floors and walls, but it's definitely worth getting. It's magic, I tell you. Since people are coming over for Thanksgiving, I also cleaned the carpet with my little carpet cleaner machine and gave Pig a bath. She's very good about getting a bath nowadays. I think it's cuz of all the cookies that she gets afterwards. I didn't even have to chase her down - she just walked into the bathroom voluntarily. She did look a bit confused when I started the shower up for my own shower a couple hours after hers. I think she thought I'd try to throw her in the tub again and you could tell she really didn't want another bath, but really wanted more cookies.
After my shower, I headed over to Amol's again for a small game of poker. I didn't do as well as I wanted but it was fun nonetheless. Came back home at a decent hour and tried to stay awake to see how the escaped prisoners finally got caught on "Escape From Deathrow" a documentary on CourtTV but I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Must read about it about that now.
I brought cheese sticks and kielbasa to the football game, but we didn't get to eating them. I donated them to the Fridge of Amol.
Just in case anyone thinks I was freeloading.
Hey Sis! HARRY POTTER WAS FREAKIN' AWESOME! Dad and I saw it opening night. And I must agree, it's the best one yet!
I wish we had more time to hang out...I think we have a lot in common!! Like...I absolutely love the Sofia wine cans. I must go buy them. I have my wine-snob in-laws from Italy here...do you think they would puke immediately upon seeing such a thing?
Also, I too wanted to see Harry Potter again the minute it finished. It was a really great movie. And third, not a day before you posted this blog, I bought some Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, and fell in love with them. I think everyone is getting one for Christmas.
Plumb - No worries, I don't think anyone thought you were free loading. I'm sure the Fridge of Amol will regurgitate them eventually and we'll see them at the next bbq.
"Rudy" - Yes, HP is awesome. I saw it again Friday night!
LaLa - You HAVE to get the Sofia cans, they're so much fun. I'm sure the in-laws will be horrified, but they'll get over it. You should get them at Trader Joe's if possible. They were less expensive there. And totally - I wish we had more time to hang out. We do have a lot in common. I plan on going up north over the holidays so hopefully I'll see you then!
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