
Thursday, January 13, 2005

Pricey Pig

So, why is that when I say to people "Having a dog is really expensive" they respond with "Yeah, having a kid is EVEN MORE expensive?"... That's like me saying "I'd like to live in an apartment in West Hollywood" and someone saying "There is a 3 bedroom house for sale in Las Vegas." Totally unrelated, in my opinion.

Got my credit card bill for December the other day. Had to have a long talk with Pig about her spending habits. Apparently, the little brat stole my credit card and went on multiple shopping sprees at the local pet stores! Every fifth line item on my bill is either from Petco or Centinella & Feed Pet Supply Store! Sure, it was bag of cookies here, and a new collar there, but she ran up over $200 on my card last month! I pointed out that doesn't even include her vet bills, which was another $200. I told her she needed to march herself right on down to the stores and return the stuff she bought but she told me she had eaten it all. Great. A compulsive binge-eater and shopaholic.

Dogs, today, man...


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