
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hump Day

Well, it's another hump day. Got back into town yesterday morning. There was a whole lot of shuttle nonsense, so between waiting for my bags, and waiting for Shuttle Bus C, it took an hour and a half for me to get to my car. I actually got so anxious about missing my stop in the long-term lot that I got out several stops earlier, thinking it'd be easier to make my way across the parking lot by foot. Of course, that was not so bright as the shuttle did make all the right stops, and I should have just stayed on. So then I had to hide behind large pick up trucks as I made my way to my car, so that the driver and the rest of the passengers who had smartly stayed on the shuttle wouldn't see me stupidly trek across the lot. Which probably just made me look even weirder.

On my way into the office, I swung by Thode's office to pick up Pig. Thode informed me that perhaps Pig just has an aversion to offices in general, as she had started to groan in Thode's office as well. But she told me a few cookies made it all better. Must be nice to be a dog - a few cookies make everything all better. She also told me that Pig excelled at finding all sorts of food on the streets and once even found a rib from a slab of baby back ribs. That's my girl - we love them ribs!

Right now, I am eating a snack of fresh figs and greek yogurt with honey. Not so sure about the greek yogurt - it's a lot like eating firm sour cream and cream cheese. Am feeling very ancient at the moment. As in, "In ancient Greece, people ate fresh figs and homemade yogurt topped with honey."


Blogger Thode said...

Are you gonna barf it up afterward? Cause that's what they did in Ancient Greece right? Or was that Rome? Well, same diff.

9:53 PM  
Blogger S said...

Actually, my first bite of greek yogurt almost made me barf. I immediately checked the expiration date to make sure it hadn't gone bad. Has anyone else tried that stuf??? I think it must be an aquired taste thing.

8:24 AM  

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