Josh's Pics from Vail!

Courtney and me, getting on the plane to Denver.

AD on the plane - not sure what to make of the expression on his face...!

Have I mentioned I hate the airport in Denver? You have to take an underground train to go from your terminal to the baggage claim.

Our lodge. Look how adorable it is!! I want to decorate our apartment this way - snow shoes and all. Except everyone pointed out it'd look weird in LA.

Another shot of our lodge.

The view from the balcony of our lodge. We had a great location - super close to the chair lifts and gondola. You can see them in the distance.

Drawing for the rooms. Courtney, who was the official drawer, conveniently picked herself for the big room the first night. Hmmm....;)

Julia actually took this pic of Max and me. Not one of Max's best pics, but check out my hot pink snow pants!!

A pic of Colorado, taken on the way from Denver to Frisco

Another one. Look how dense the trees are!

Here we are in Frisco, waiting for a 10 person table outside The Butterhorn Bakery.

This pic just cracks me up. Amol, staring at Annie through a window...

Max's apartment. Lawn chairs as furniture...temporarily. You can see the view outside his apartment.

Max and me, doing what we do best - eating junk food.

Said junk food.

Josh at Red Lobster, drinking a Lobsterita bigger than his head...

Annie at Red Lobster, drinking a Lobsterita bigger than her head...(I actually split this with her tho)

Julia and Reggie, sharing a Lobsterita. See, they're not actually the size of someone's head, it's just a camera trick!!
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