
Friday, March 10, 2006

Bay to Breakers

So I was chatting with Aunt Marilyn a few days ago, working out my plans to go up to San Francisco this weekend, and she informed me that she was signing me up for the Bay to Breakers 12K race, which will take place the 3rd weekend in May, up in SF. She pointed out that training for it would be a good goal - it's just a little over seven miles so it's not totally impossible. I pointed out that the last time I, um, "trained" for a running event, I got up to doing 6 miles and thought - "Man, this is f#*%ing stupid" and got off the treadmill and headed home and drank a six pack. (okay, I had a beer or two, not six, but you get the point) But then she pointed out that this would be a good opportunity to lose my "muffin-top" right before bikini season so I acquiesced.

Of course, only after agreeing to register for the race did she inform me that people run NAKED during it. Wha??? I guess it's voluntary (thank god) but I'm not sure if this makes me want to do the run more or bail out entirely. It sounds like it could be fun, but I am going to be one unhappy girl if I end up tripping and falling on a sweaty naked guy.

Any fellow LA fitness members up for training with me? I promise I have no intention of doing the race nekkid.


Blogger LypstykGirl said...

I'll do it! I've been thinking about getting back into running 5k & 10k's.

Considering what we learned from the sportsbra "bounce-o-meter," I would think naked running would be a health hazard.

1:57 PM  
Blogger S said...

Awesome! I'll try to see if I can find a decent doable training schedule for us this weekend!

5:10 PM  
Blogger ElliottPreciousPants said...

I agree. Running naked seems bad for your health.

7:30 AM  

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