Weekend Recap
So, this weekend was awesome because Max surprised me with a visit! I was sitting at AD's house Friday night, searching for recipes for chocolate martinis, when all of the sudden I heard a noise behind me, turned around, and there was Max!! I only wish that I didn't have to work so much this weekend. Saturday morning I had to do a Q&A panel at a local college about an hour away and didn't get back until around 3 p.m. At 4 p.m., I had to meet with a client, who's been really busy an unable to meet me during the work week. But at least Max and I got to spend Saturday night and Sunday together, which was great.
Saturday night we went to Chan Dara for Thai food. It was okay, not as good as before. Afterward, we watched Bandits, which while it has several funny moments, is altogether a lousy movie.
Sunday we headed out to Monterrey Park for dim sum. After dim sum, we went to Ranch 99 to pick up Chinese groceries. Now, I have a much higher tolerance for the chinese grocery store than Max does, but even I can only stand being in there for about 30 minutes. It's chaotic, and smells funny. Funny as in fishy, on account of the super fresh and varied seafood counter. Anyway, we got all our groceries and then went back home to prepare the food we were bringing to Lypstykgirl's Oscar party. We made cold pizza, and the CUTEST APPETIZERS I've ever seen. Max found the recipe online. This is not my pic, but you can see them here:
Cream Cheese Penguins

Aren't they the CUTEST!!!
Saturday night we went to Chan Dara for Thai food. It was okay, not as good as before. Afterward, we watched Bandits, which while it has several funny moments, is altogether a lousy movie.
Sunday we headed out to Monterrey Park for dim sum. After dim sum, we went to Ranch 99 to pick up Chinese groceries. Now, I have a much higher tolerance for the chinese grocery store than Max does, but even I can only stand being in there for about 30 minutes. It's chaotic, and smells funny. Funny as in fishy, on account of the super fresh and varied seafood counter. Anyway, we got all our groceries and then went back home to prepare the food we were bringing to Lypstykgirl's Oscar party. We made cold pizza, and the CUTEST APPETIZERS I've ever seen. Max found the recipe online. This is not my pic, but you can see them here:
Cream Cheese Penguins

Aren't they the CUTEST!!!
After you left, the penguins decided to re-enact scenes from Capote, Good Night and Good Luck, Crash, and of course, Brokeback Mountain (which the penguins thought should've won). They also played "French Revolution."
I will send the pics, which reveal to the world my level of maturity. (Mike was a little frightened.)
Heehee. Funny.
I look forward to the pics!
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