Weekend Recap
Wheee!! Fun weekend!!
Friday night I went over to Kate's apt for a little reunion of the Monthly Dinner of the Fearsome Foursomes - Kate, Andrea, Jessie and me. We used to always have dinner once a month, and that's really sort of gone away in the last few years. This was a nice throwback to those days. It was great to sit there, drink wine and gossip about hairspray and bikini waxes. And the meal was really fun- Kate arranged an awesome Make-Your-Own-Pizza night. She bought and prepared the dough and had TONS of toppings for us to choose from. While she did an excellent job, I have to admit that perhaps my own skills in topping selection were not so terrific. Turns out that capers DON'T go well with pesto, shrimp, corn and green peppers. Go figure. But I was so inspired that I convinced Max that we should try making our own pizzas as well, which we ended up doing on Sat night. They turned out much better - he just has a natural culinary instinct - something that I fear I sorely lack.
Anyway, where was I? Okay, Saturday morning Max made breakfast and we spent the rest of the morning watching "EXTRAS" on DVD. I love that show - Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant are just absolutely brilliant. After that Max and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3. I think it was probably the first time in months that we went out to see a movie. It's so expensive nowadays. I liked it more than the second one, but nowhere near as much as I liked the first one. And it's long - just way to ridiculously long.
Saturday night we went to a bar called The Well for Julia's bday party. Here are a few pics from the night:

Me, Birthday Girl, and LypstckGirl!

Me and Lisa ( who I am trying to rope in to a cooking class)

Josh, Benjamin and me - trying to look sexy

Ad, Megyn and Max

Josh, Benjamin and me.

Max and me!
So. Yeah. Super fun party.
Sunday, Max and I took Pig to Huntington beach, which was the perfect end to a terrific weekend. Huntington beach is one of the few beaches near Los Angeles that allows dogs. Pig had a blast! She was, as usual, the only dog trolling along looking for food to eat. What a little scavenger. I had to yell at her to spit out the seaweed that had been washed ashore. She definitely tried to avoid the water, but sometimes it was inevitable. We also saw lots of dolphins playing really close to the beach - it was such a treat.
Here's a little video of one of the few times that she got caught in the tide - you can see that she sort of freezes, unlike the other dogs who mostly ran and played in the water.
And, some of my favorite pics:

This dog "Ruby" insisted on getting into the shot!

This is my favorite I think - I just love how it captures Pig jogging happily along after Max.
Friday night I went over to Kate's apt for a little reunion of the Monthly Dinner of the Fearsome Foursomes - Kate, Andrea, Jessie and me. We used to always have dinner once a month, and that's really sort of gone away in the last few years. This was a nice throwback to those days. It was great to sit there, drink wine and gossip about hairspray and bikini waxes. And the meal was really fun- Kate arranged an awesome Make-Your-Own-Pizza night. She bought and prepared the dough and had TONS of toppings for us to choose from. While she did an excellent job, I have to admit that perhaps my own skills in topping selection were not so terrific. Turns out that capers DON'T go well with pesto, shrimp, corn and green peppers. Go figure. But I was so inspired that I convinced Max that we should try making our own pizzas as well, which we ended up doing on Sat night. They turned out much better - he just has a natural culinary instinct - something that I fear I sorely lack.
Anyway, where was I? Okay, Saturday morning Max made breakfast and we spent the rest of the morning watching "EXTRAS" on DVD. I love that show - Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant are just absolutely brilliant. After that Max and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3. I think it was probably the first time in months that we went out to see a movie. It's so expensive nowadays. I liked it more than the second one, but nowhere near as much as I liked the first one. And it's long - just way to ridiculously long.
Saturday night we went to a bar called The Well for Julia's bday party. Here are a few pics from the night:

Me, Birthday Girl, and LypstckGirl!
Me and Lisa ( who I am trying to rope in to a cooking class)
Josh, Benjamin and me - trying to look sexy
Ad, Megyn and Max
Josh, Benjamin and me.

Max and me!
So. Yeah. Super fun party.
Sunday, Max and I took Pig to Huntington beach, which was the perfect end to a terrific weekend. Huntington beach is one of the few beaches near Los Angeles that allows dogs. Pig had a blast! She was, as usual, the only dog trolling along looking for food to eat. What a little scavenger. I had to yell at her to spit out the seaweed that had been washed ashore. She definitely tried to avoid the water, but sometimes it was inevitable. We also saw lots of dolphins playing really close to the beach - it was such a treat.
Here's a little video of one of the few times that she got caught in the tide - you can see that she sort of freezes, unlike the other dogs who mostly ran and played in the water.
And, some of my favorite pics:
This dog "Ruby" insisted on getting into the shot!

This is my favorite I think - I just love how it captures Pig jogging happily along after Max.
Aww - so cute - I love that beach. Sad that Pig and Punk never got to go together. I love how Pig is looking at Ruby like "Get out of here"
Looks like so much fun!
You know what's really weird? I'm sitting here looking at that pic and I know this is crazy but I just realized that I think I've met Ruby before. About a year ago, I came across two runaway dogs - Ruby and Guiness - they lived a few streets over and I caught them just outside our apt building. I brought them in and called their mom who came and picked them up. Anyway, I think it might have been the same dog! And this beach Ruby was definitely very interested in me - you can tell from the pic - maybe she recognized me!
Or maybe I am entirely crazy.
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