
Friday, April 08, 2005

It's Friday!!!!

So as I was applying make-up this morning I noticed that my eyelids and the area right under my eyes appear darker than the rest of my face. Could this be b/c I don't put sunblock on over my eyes??? I mean, when you put on lotion/sunblock, are you supposed to rub it over your entire face, eye lids included???? Because I wear contacts and I'm always afraid the lotion will smear my vision.

Really, they should have better instructions on the bottle. When they say"avoid area around the eyes," I listen. Now I just look tired, when I actually feel totally fine.

Picked up my brother and his girlfriend from the airport last night. They are so excited to be here - it makes me excited. Sometimes it takes tourists to remind you how fun L.A. can be. I'm hoping the city will provide them with a few celebrity sightings. No trip to L.A. is complete without at least one minor celebrity sighting, even if it's just one of the judges from The Practice.


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