Hump Day
I only feel like posting super fluffy things today, so here it goes...
I went to my weight lifting class last night so I missed the first half of American Idol, and also, my butt hurts now from all the leg lifts and squats we did. Can anyone tell me how the first five contestants did? Was Ace gross? Did he pantomine the lyrics again?
This morning I actually made it the gym and was hoping to take the Latin Impact class, but I guess I misread the schedule and Latin Impact is on TUESDAY mornings, not Wednesdays. So instead I ran FOUR MILES on the treadmill!! That's a lot for me. It took forever since I was running pretty slowly, but I was proud of myself.
The rain has been keeping Pig indoors. To cheer her up, I bought her a new Wilbur (stuffed animal - a "pig" obviously). She chewed off its ear within 5 minutes but loves it and has completely forgotten about her old Wilbur. She totally ignores him. (*sigh* - sometimes I wonder if this is what it's like when I drop her off with Thode!)
I also bought her this really cute dog t-shirt from American Apparel - here's a pic from the catalogue:

I got it in red with with a black trim. And SHE HATED IT!! Surprise. Guess dogs don't like to wear baby tees. She was a good sport about letting me put it on her, but it didn't fit her well at all - it make her walk funny, like she was in a body cast or something. It was hysterical though. I think I'll put it on her one more time after Max gets back so he can take some pics of her in it!
I went to my weight lifting class last night so I missed the first half of American Idol, and also, my butt hurts now from all the leg lifts and squats we did. Can anyone tell me how the first five contestants did? Was Ace gross? Did he pantomine the lyrics again?
This morning I actually made it the gym and was hoping to take the Latin Impact class, but I guess I misread the schedule and Latin Impact is on TUESDAY mornings, not Wednesdays. So instead I ran FOUR MILES on the treadmill!! That's a lot for me. It took forever since I was running pretty slowly, but I was proud of myself.
The rain has been keeping Pig indoors. To cheer her up, I bought her a new Wilbur (stuffed animal - a "pig" obviously). She chewed off its ear within 5 minutes but loves it and has completely forgotten about her old Wilbur. She totally ignores him. (*sigh* - sometimes I wonder if this is what it's like when I drop her off with Thode!)
I also bought her this really cute dog t-shirt from American Apparel - here's a pic from the catalogue:

I got it in red with with a black trim. And SHE HATED IT!! Surprise. Guess dogs don't like to wear baby tees. She was a good sport about letting me put it on her, but it didn't fit her well at all - it make her walk funny, like she was in a body cast or something. It was hysterical though. I think I'll put it on her one more time after Max gets back so he can take some pics of her in it!
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