Weekend Recap
Feeling a bit grumpy this morning. First off, youtube seems to be down, so despite my repeated efforts, I have not been able to watch Britney's apparent horrendous appearance on the VMA show. Also, new hair cut requires much more effort than the old throw-dripping-wet-hair-into-bun style I'm used to, so it took forever to get ready this morning. And work is annoying. Really really annoying.
And...it's Monday. Monday Monday Monday. Blah. Grr. Grumpgrumpfrumpfrump.
The thing that makes Monday so horrible is that I had a pretty good weekend. Friday I went over to Amol's to play poker, and I actually broke my year long losing streak with a win!
On Saturday, Benjamin, Julia, Jason, and Jason's 5 month old baby came over to watch that miserable Michigan football game. Wow - we really suck. Honestly, I hope we don't win a single game this year. At this point, it'd be much more interesting to set the worst record possible. After the game, I got my hair cut, which is always thrilling in that will-I-love-it-or-hate-it-way. So far, I love it, except for the fact that I have to actually style it. After the football games, we went over to AD's old house for their second annual "pink" party, where everyone has to wear pink. They had something there called an "ice luge." My limited frat party experience did not prepare me for what that actually was. Turns out, it's as gross as it sounds ("luge" sounds awfully close to "loogie" in my opinion). It's an ice sculpture with these little tracks carved out and basically you put your mouth on the bottom end and someone else pours alcohol down the tracks and straight into your mouth. I guess the idea is that the alcohol gets chilled on its way down. Here are a couple images to illustrate - the pic is not from the actual party but the ice luge looked a lot like that.

As you can see - ew gross!!! Everyone puts their mouth on the same spot. YUCK!! I was horrified. (And confused, b/c at first I thought they got an ice sculpture of half a sandwich and that made no sense to me at all)
Sunday morning, we went over to Boardwalkk 11 to watch the Lions first games of the season. And they won! Whoo hoo! It was really fun - we were a loud crowd of about 15 Lions fans. Reminded me a bit like being at a craps table!
But now it's Monday. :(
At least it's time for lunch.
And...it's Monday. Monday Monday Monday. Blah. Grr. Grumpgrumpfrumpfrump.
The thing that makes Monday so horrible is that I had a pretty good weekend. Friday I went over to Amol's to play poker, and I actually broke my year long losing streak with a win!
On Saturday, Benjamin, Julia, Jason, and Jason's 5 month old baby came over to watch that miserable Michigan football game. Wow - we really suck. Honestly, I hope we don't win a single game this year. At this point, it'd be much more interesting to set the worst record possible. After the game, I got my hair cut, which is always thrilling in that will-I-love-it-or-hate-it-way. So far, I love it, except for the fact that I have to actually style it. After the football games, we went over to AD's old house for their second annual "pink" party, where everyone has to wear pink. They had something there called an "ice luge." My limited frat party experience did not prepare me for what that actually was. Turns out, it's as gross as it sounds ("luge" sounds awfully close to "loogie" in my opinion). It's an ice sculpture with these little tracks carved out and basically you put your mouth on the bottom end and someone else pours alcohol down the tracks and straight into your mouth. I guess the idea is that the alcohol gets chilled on its way down. Here are a couple images to illustrate - the pic is not from the actual party but the ice luge looked a lot like that.

As you can see - ew gross!!! Everyone puts their mouth on the same spot. YUCK!! I was horrified. (And confused, b/c at first I thought they got an ice sculpture of half a sandwich and that made no sense to me at all)
Sunday morning, we went over to Boardwalkk 11 to watch the Lions first games of the season. And they won! Whoo hoo! It was really fun - we were a loud crowd of about 15 Lions fans. Reminded me a bit like being at a craps table!
But now it's Monday. :(
At least it's time for lunch.
at least you can see that having an ice sculpture at a party makes sense....
looking like half a sandwich that people generally stick their mouths on and suck down alcohol when you could just put it on ice (in its own bottle) seems to work as well... hmm. yeah not so much.
i'm with you.
hows pig???
Pig is great! She is definitely showing some signs of aging - walking slower, a little less energetic, and she's getting benign old-dog-warts but otherwise, she's doing great. I was just thinking earlier today, when we were sitting in the car sharing a Wendy's chili and baked potato, that I can't believe how well I know her. And how we just get along. I remember when I first got her, it was a bit hard - I couldn't anticipate what she was thinking or what she wanted or how she'd act - she seemed like a baby you're babysitting for the first time. Like when a baby is fussy, it's fussy and you don't know what to do with it. Or it's sort of like when you meet someone else's dog, and they really seem like a DOG to you, and they don't necessarily listen to what you say and they may try to jump up on you. But with Pig, she just feels like...ok...crazy...but like a human friend. I can't explain it but I just feel like we communicate extraordinarily well together. And as comfortable as we are now, it's strange to think that when I first got her, that wasn't the case!
I guess I was thinking about that b/c she was so good in the car at lunch today - as usual. She didn't try to crawl all over me to get to the food, she just sat and watched and I fed her bits of potato and, I dunno, it just worked. She knew I'd give her food eventually, and I knew that it was safe to leave it practically right in front of her on the dashboard b/c she wouldn't try to take it. It's quite amazing really when you get to that point with an animal.
Anyway, I loved your pics of Hawaii! I can't wait until I go!
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