
Friday, March 04, 2005

Someone Hates Me

Well, last night when I got home after work, I discovered that I seemed to be missing hot water. No hot water in either the bathroom or kitchen. Called up Manuel, who went to check, but couldn't find anything blatantly wrong with the pipes. He promised to check all the pipes this morning, so I figured - well, hopefully it'll be ok in the morning.

Hot water issue became a real serious problem this morning when Manuel continued not to be able to find anything wrong. In an effort to fix it, he decided to shut off all the water, so basically, I smell worse than Pig today. Also am getting sick, so rather than going to work without brushing my teeth and showering (ewwwwww - and I skipped my shower yesterday so I am really really disgusting right now), I decided to stay in for the morning and hang out with my dad, who came in town last night.

So apparently Manuel tore up a ton of pipes, thinking there was a leak, only to discover much later that someone had turned off some valve in the garage. Only mine (well, technically the girl in the apartment below me shares the same line). No one else's. Who would do this? NO FRIGGIN' IDEA. Manuel tells me he suspects it's an act of vandalism committed by one of my neighbors. So....who hates me (or the girl below)? I know the woman in Apt. #2 does, but I can't imagine she'd do that.

There is also someone stealing mail so now I have to mail my netflix dvd's from the office.

Also strange - a few days ago, I opened my door and there was a weight-belt laying there. You know, the kind that guys wear when they're moving heavy stuff to protect their backs. It's still there - unclaimed. Is it someone's present to me? Maybe someone's trying to threaten me - like "I'm going to, uh, break your back"

Anyway, someone hates me. Or the girl below.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, hon. I'm sure it isn't you. Give us a description of the girl who lives under you. Is she evil? Does she antagonize neighbors?
Or do you think this is retaliation for that night that someone ordered hookers over the phone?

4:26 PM  
Blogger S said...

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5:11 PM  
Blogger S said...

Well there are two girls downstairs actually. They're both very pretty and one is nice and the other is a raging bitch. But she's never bothered me before - just more the type who flounces around with her nose in the air. She has Sexy Boyfriend, who, no surprise, seems to be a raging asshole. So maybe they broke up and he did it in retaliation?

5:23 PM  
Blogger LypstykGirl said...

There are better ways for Sexy Boyfriend to retaliate like sleeping with me (just kidding of course in case my own Sexy Boyfriend reads this.)

Just let me know if you need anyone beat up (just kidding in case not-so-Sexy Parole Officer reads this.)

5:31 PM  

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