Pig in Shirt Pics - A Series

Um...why did you put this stupid shirt on me?

Oh great - is that your camera???? I hate getting my picture taken.

Seriously, put the camera down, woman. The flash is bothering me.

Fine. I'm just not going to look at you.

This is me ignoring you.

Is it safe to turn my head? Nope.

Oh great, now they're making me dance on camera. The humiliation never ends.
Haha, I think dogs in shirts are funny.
And cute, of course. Cute Pig.
Yes. definitely funny and cute!!
I keep telling you guys--Pig needs her own book! You can tell she's a star.
Pig is so cute - I miss her! Do she and Punk need a playdate soon? Dog beach: this summer...
Definitely. They saw each other last weekend actually. Josh brought her over Friday night when we were all hanging around. Punk was super excited to see Pig and me and everyone else and was running around like crazy. Pig did the equivalent of an eye roll - she made that face she makes at the dog park when a dog is trying to play with her - you know what I'm talking about! That "what is up with this girl" face. So funny.
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