Weekend Recap
Poor poor bloggie. Totally neglected while I spend countless hours on the internet, feeding my mahjong addiction...
Anyway, just to catch everyone up - Max is back! For good. I made him a grasshopper pie for his bday, all without him noticing, even though he was in the apartment the whole time. I have no idea how he didn't see or hear me crushing 26 oreo cookies with a rolling pin, or smell the creme de menthe in the air, but he didn't. He also never opened the freezer the whole evening, even though he insists on putting ice cubes into everything he drinks. So I was very lucky and that turned out to be a nice surprise for him.
Sat night we had a big party at AD's to celebrate his bday, Lypstykgirl's bday (also the 15th), and Thode's upcoming bday on the 18th. It was super fun, all except for the embarassing moment when I fell over backwards on my ass. There I was standing there, and the next thing I knew, I was on my ass. It was really that quick. What had happened was I was trying to slip out of these very uncomfortable BUT VERY CUTE espadrille sandals with a wedge heel (a must have for the season if you're a sucker like me) but due to the four inch heel and three of Thode's homemade schpecial mojitos, I lost my balance and fell smack on my ass. Embarassing. Max was sweet and immediately "fell" too so I wasn't the only who had fallen that night, but yea...kind of wish that didn't happen. Oh well. I've consoled myself that at least according to romantic comedies, falling is charming...

These should have come with a warning label!
But they are cute, aren't they??
As for the Pig, she is okay. I had to take her in again, because she threw up last week, has had soft poop for two weeks, and lost a total of 4 lbs since the whole IBD thing started. The vet's suggestion - feed her more. Thank god he didn't charge me for the visit.
Anyway, just to catch everyone up - Max is back! For good. I made him a grasshopper pie for his bday, all without him noticing, even though he was in the apartment the whole time. I have no idea how he didn't see or hear me crushing 26 oreo cookies with a rolling pin, or smell the creme de menthe in the air, but he didn't. He also never opened the freezer the whole evening, even though he insists on putting ice cubes into everything he drinks. So I was very lucky and that turned out to be a nice surprise for him.
Sat night we had a big party at AD's to celebrate his bday, Lypstykgirl's bday (also the 15th), and Thode's upcoming bday on the 18th. It was super fun, all except for the embarassing moment when I fell over backwards on my ass. There I was standing there, and the next thing I knew, I was on my ass. It was really that quick. What had happened was I was trying to slip out of these very uncomfortable BUT VERY CUTE espadrille sandals with a wedge heel (a must have for the season if you're a sucker like me) but due to the four inch heel and three of Thode's homemade schpecial mojitos, I lost my balance and fell smack on my ass. Embarassing. Max was sweet and immediately "fell" too so I wasn't the only who had fallen that night, but yea...kind of wish that didn't happen. Oh well. I've consoled myself that at least according to romantic comedies, falling is charming...

These should have come with a warning label!
But they are cute, aren't they??
As for the Pig, she is okay. I had to take her in again, because she threw up last week, has had soft poop for two weeks, and lost a total of 4 lbs since the whole IBD thing started. The vet's suggestion - feed her more. Thank god he didn't charge me for the visit.
I would take your grasshopper pie recipe, if you would send it, please!
And yes, the shoes are very cute, but like I always say when I see your shoes---whoa! I can't believe how tall those are! Jesus! That can't feel good.
It's acutally Max's grandma E's recipe, but I'm sure she won't mind if I send it to you. I might just forward you his grandma T's recipe too - I got the grandmas mixed up and since grandma T had never made a grasshopper pie in her life and had no idea what I was talking about, she sent a very amusing reply to my email.
And the funny thing about the shoes is - over the years, i've really stopped wearing heels. Mainly b/c of Pig - I just can't walk her in them, so I try not to buy them. Which is why I was so out of practice in them!
I would like to personally thank you again for falling and momentarily distracting everyone from what a drunken idiot I was.
hey send me the recipe too!
there were homemade mojitos???
Thode - you were not a drunken idiot!
Julia - yes, Thode made some mojitos - I think I had a pitcher of them myself!
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