
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Prince in SF

So Prince will be playing at the Orpheum in San Francisco in May but I've summoned all my willpower and resisted getting a ticket...mainly b/c my Prince related expenses are mounting and I'm pretty sure I can't write them off on my tax return. Best seats are $225, mezzanine at $170, and upper balcony at $90...and when you've been close enough to him that he can spit on you (like I said, hopefully that was him), you're just not really going to want anything less than the $225 seats...which is a lot of money. Oh well. Have resigned to save up money for when he comes to LA, and splurge on seats then.

American Idol tonight. I find this season to be so dull. I mean we already know it's going to be down to Melinda and Lakisha so really, what's the point of watching? No one to really root for in my opinion - I like them both equally. And pretty much dislike the rest of them - Jordan is too gooey, Gina is too Vicky-Lawrence looking and reminds me of someone I don't really like (unfair to Gina but hey what can I do), Haley sounds like she should be working in Disneyland and the boys are just awful. You just will NOT be able to convince me that non-fat Chris is hot. Sorry. And can we please put Sanjaya out of his misery already? Poor guy. The only other person I like is Stephanie, mainly because I love the songs she sings. We must have similar taste in music. Pretty much after her performance each week, I log on to itunes and download the original version of whatever she sang.

Have been preoccupied with my cellulite lately. Yeah, let's blog about that and share it with everyone!! All three of you reading!! Anyway, cannot believe have developed cellulite all over my stomach. Started getting it on the back of my thighs as well but since following my intense personally developed (after culling from pages and pages of info on the internets) Cellulite-Be-Gone-Regimen, I've seen some improvement on my legs. No improvement however on the stomach so I guess my bikini wearing days are over. Goddammit, getting old SUCKS. Whyeeee????? Whyeee must there be cellulite????? Arrrrrrgh. Now am grumpy.

Off to find some chocolate, which is clearly the solution.


Blogger Junarakasa said...

Hi Sareet - Am glad you are back to blogging! I totally agree with your recap of the American Idol finalists. However, I do think Sanjaya (and his hair) should stay on - just so we have something to talk about. And cellulite? Don't worry about it. Life is too short and there is an unending supply of good chocolate to enjoy!

9:42 PM  
Blogger S said...

Joanne - as always, you are the voice of reason!

I thought Sanjaya was so much better last night. I still don't think he's very good but I enjoyed the fact that he just totally gave it his all! You gotta admit that boy - and his hair - sure are brave!!

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh, chocolate. the cause of and solution to all of life's problems.

9:27 AM  

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