
Thursday, September 30, 2004

Fleece (PMS) Day Thursday

Well, today is another Fleece Day, but only in spirit. I have a business lunch so I actually had to wear normal clothes and had to blow-dry my hair, rather than do what I usually do which is to leave it wet in an unattractive bun. Yesterday ended pretty disastrously and somehow, due to a whole bunch of unfortunate circumstances, I ended up having to walk home from the office last night. It's too dumb a story to get into and it's not a long walk at all (20 mins) but it sucked, especially since I had walked Pig to the office in the morning and back at lunch, so I basically spent an hour of my life walking around L.A. The hormones were still going crazy and I cried about work while eating the crabcakes Max made for me, and then cried when I opened the mail and saw a card from the rescue group (The Bill Foundation) where I got Pig from. I had made a donation, and it was a thank-you card. On the cover of the card there were "Before & After" pictures of a dog they had rescued and the "Before" picture made me cry. Poor little dog was all matted up, dirty and had been abandoned. Awwww....so sad. That could've been Pig. I had to hide the card way in the back of my financial files (for tax deduction reasons) Max shook his head and said he'd never seen me so emotional. So to cheer me up, he went to the grocery store and bought a bottle of wine and Haagen-Daaz Coffee & Toffee Icecream bars. And he did the dishes too even though he made dinner so that was nice of him.

But today is a brand new day! I'm going to try to stay positive and focused on work. Besides, tomorrow will be Friday and the weekend will soon be here and my Netflix Cheers DVDs are on their way so everything will work out just fine.


Blogger ElliottPreciousPants said...

Hey Sareet,

Wow. That sucks. You are pretty emotional. Maybe you are pregnant? (haha, just kidding, trying to make you laugh:)). Seriously though, I feel your pain because I have been there before. Yeah, definitely (and I wasn't pregnant, so don't worry about that!).

I know that while your emotional trauma is much more important, I can't get over the bad day you didn't talk about and ended up having to walk home and walk your dog to and from the office. What? I'm stuck there, sorry.

1:04 PM  
Blogger S said...

Ahh... well it was a series of unfortunate circumstances. Max lost the gate key to his apartment, so he needed to borrow the copy he had given to me. But the key looks exactly like my office key so I told him just to take both, and figure out which was which, since we have a receptionist at the office and she can let me in. Then, work sucked - some of it was not my fault, but one thing in particular was. I misunderstood what a client wanted on a deal so I had to go back and re-work it - unfortunately the buyer already thinks I'm an idiot so that was really unpleasant. Because of all the crap at work, I had to stay late, which normally isn't a big deal. But just as the door closed behind me, I realized I couldn't get into the garage because Max had my key. So not a problem normally - I can open the garage electronically from inside the office - but then I couldn't get back inside the office to open the garage because I didn't have the key!!! And I was the last one to leave the office so there wasn't anyone to let me in. So I called Max to come get me, and he said he would but the crabcakes were frying in the skillet already since he thought I was on my way back, and can I wait 10 minutes. I was tempted to make him come get me immediately, but I was afraid that would ruin the crabcakes and at the very least, I wanted a good dinner after the day I had. So I figured I may as well walk, since it only takes 20 minutes to walk. And by the time it would have taken for the crabcakes to finish cooking and for him to get to his car and meander through traffic to get me, I'd be home. So that's why I ended up walking home.

And normally, I do walk Pig to work and back, about once or twice a week, because it's good exercise. I just didn't expect to have to make that walk again!

3:08 PM  

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